On the lookout

What you post on the Internet might come back to haunt you when you go looking for a job. Some employers are searching the Web to see what is out there about you. If you apply for a job at Firm Holdings in Shrewsbury, you should probably just assume that someone there is going to…

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5 Steps to Let Your Dream Job Find You

Just earlier today, I read this interesting piece on the changing face of today’s barrier less digital economy (a la “World is Flat”) on CNN. The article highlights how the CV/resume has evolved over the past few years from a paper based resume to the online version, and made it easier to find you that…

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Building A Resume

In the hunt for a new job? You’re certainly not alone. With more than seven and a half million people looking for work, it’s tougher than ever to stand out in the crowd. But ABC7 Eyewitness News found out the words you use in your resume can mean the difference between a new job and…

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Older Workers: The Hot New Thing

I write a blog called “Aging Disgracefully.” In an attempt at so-called humor, I’ve created a fictional persona to crack the jokes. She’s a 50-something woman who prefers to think of herself as a red-hot babe instead of a graying baby boomer. Did I say fictional? In reality, I have no problems with getting older….

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Creating a Portfolio Career

What would you say if I told you that the idea of a linear, ladder-like career may have been a mere blip on the cultural radar instead of the taken-for-granted path that many of us have come to accept? The fact is, the days of spending your life working for the same company and leaving…

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