Hiring the overqualified creates problems
Unless the position has changed, the work can lead to boredom, a poor performance. Here’s…
Unless the position has changed, the work can lead to boredom, a poor performance. Here’s a new twist on “Overqualified.” Jan, a hiring manager, has an opportunity to hire a person with a master’s in business administration. He’s getting resistance from human resources because the job description says the position requires a bachelor’s degree. He…
Deborah Halliday, assistant director of the Office of Career Services, helps Shari Hileman (CAS08) look for an internship. Its never too late to begin looking for a job, Halliday says. College seniors just returning from spring break may be getting anxious about finding a job after graduation, but recent alumni know that career opportunities can…
Make sure you know at which companies your new networking contacts are employed before you spill the beans, in case their companies are subsidiaries, partners, clients, etc. of your current employer. One or more of your new contacts might even work for your current employer in a different department or division, especially if you visit…
Over the years, California Job Journal has published a wealth of job-seeking advice. Several months ago, I began culling through past issues with an eye to retrieving some useful hints that might otherwise be long forgotten. The result is a three-week series of articles offering the essentials of dealing with job search, resumes and cover…
You’ve been sitting there for about an hour now, waiting for an answer to the question that is slowly driving you mad: What is the recruiter looking for? There’s this position, you see, and you know lots of other people are going to apply for it. You want to make sure that your resume and…
Turn your life into short narrative tales of achievement — and no one will dream of filing that job application in the trash. Sometimes, I think I missed my calling — that I should have been a man born in the Middle Ages. True, the medical care was abysmal and life was a lot shorter,…
A talent crisis for most workplaces is not years or even decades away, according to the latest survey from professional services firm Deloitte & Touche. It is already here. Through December and January, Deloitte surveyed 123 human resources executives at companies across the nation for insight into how their companies are dealing with retirements of…
Its a New Year time for a makeover. When Jan. 1 rolls around its natural to start thinking about making a fresh start. The events that make up your daily routine start to feel stale and enthusiasm levels for things you once loved, or simply tolerated, begin to plummet. So you get a new hair…
Question: I was recently laid off from my most recent job as an executive assistant. I have been in this field for more than 10 years and have been applying to no avail for positions that I know I am qualified for. Should I try changing my resume? Answer: The resume is but one of…
As a recruiter, I want to tell you something clear and plain: Anyone can get a job in almost any economic climate The question then is: why do people still get rejected? The answer is quite simple – once you get past the problem of communicating your own skills (30% rejected because they can not…